Mind of Christ Church
Building Strong Networks Within the Community
The 2020 Operation Toy Deploy – Million Dollar Toy Distribution was made successful by many different organizations that WIN Warehouse serves in the St. Louis region as well as across the country. Our goal was to partner with those who could help us get toys into the hands of children. We were able to accomplish this with the help of organizations such as The Mind of Christ Church.
The Mind of Christ Church’s mission is to serve the community by building strong networks for at-risk youth and families in need, along with wellness that provides life skills to optimize their quality of life. Typically, this organization serves more than 16,000 people a year but that number has increased due to the pandemic. In November, their drive-thru mobile market event served the metropolitan community of East St. Louis, IL with food for 35 weeks with the support of area food banks.
Annual Toy, Food, and Clothing Giveaway Event
The Mind of Christ Church also hosts an annual toy, food, and clothing giveaway event. The toys they received through Operation Toy Deploy assisted them in providing hope to those who have lost jobs and those who feel a sense of insecurity or hopelessness. Families are facing all types of insufficiencies due to the pandemic such as food, clothing, shelter, and many other normal functions of life. The gift of these toys helped bring a source of happiness and hope to this season.
Delores Chapman, First Lady of The Mind of Christ Church, is happy to share with us that they served 2,570 people. From that number, 508 families received food boxes with enough food to last them at least three days. Additionally, 1,808 youth received toys, caps, scarfs, earmuffs, socks, and personal hygiene kits. 762 adults also received detergent and PPE masks.
From one of their inspirational volunteers, Chris Smith:
“I’ve been volunteering with this organization for a number of years. For a relatively small church in East St. Louis, they have an oversized impact for good. I believe they are sincerely helping those in need, primarily in the greater East St. Louis area. They do an annual Christmas food and toy giveaway serving in excess of 500+ families and events alone. They have done summer reading and educational programs for youth and operate a drive-thru, COVID-compliant food pantry serving 170+ cars a week. The leadership and love offered by Pastor Chapman and First Lady Delores Chapman is sincere and evidences the best heartfelt feelings of Christian service. Please consider this organization in your charitable giving. We can #LightTheWorld.”