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WIN Product Spotlight: Camping Materials

Warm weather is approaching, and camp is just around the corner. As your nonprofit organization schedules its upcoming camping trip, consider if you have everything you’ll need. Luckily, WIN Warehouse is here to help! Continue reading for a list of essential items you’ll want to take along on your outdoor adventures.

First Aid Kit

A well-stocked first aid kit is handy to have. Bring one along so you can quickly and easily respond to cuts, burns, scrapes, and other minor injuries. They commonly include nitrile gloves, scissors and tweezers, hydrocortisone cream and burn gel, eyewash, and several options for dressing wounds, such as gauze, non-stick pads, butterfly closures, and bandages.

These kits come in a range of sizes. So, whether you’re camping with a crew of 10 or 50 people, you can ensure everyone has emergency items just in case.

Insect Repellent

Whether you’re pitching your tent, fishing at the pond, or starting a campfire, pesky bugs are bound to be present. Insect repellent effectively covers up your scent, providing you with long-lasting protection from bug bites.

Simply spray the repellent on your skin to create a barrier against ticks, gnats, chiggers, fleas, and mosquitoes, including those that transmit Zika and West Nile viruses.

Picnic Supplies

Picnic backpacks are a contemporary alternative to the classic picnic basket. Each backpack has silverware, plates, goblets, a bamboo cutting board, a butter knife, a wine bottle opener, metal salt and pepper shakers, and a large insulated food compartment.

On one side is a waterproof picnic blanket, and on the other is an insulated wine bottle cooler. So, when it’s time to eat, unfurl the picnic blanket, take out the scrumptious spread, and get ready to relax.

Be a Happy Camper

Gear up for the great outdoors with WIN Warehouse! As a nonprofit member, you can purchase these camping materials and more at up to 90% off the retail price. Then, you can make an even greater impact in your community with the money saved.

Discover the wide range of products at our showroom. We’re open from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, and walk-ins are welcome! You can also browse our online catalog anytime.

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