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Emmanuel Temple Church of God

WIN Warehouse is proud to partner with nonprofits to give them access to the products and resources they need. The latest success story comes from Emmanuel Temple Church of God, which has been a staple in the Walnut Park neighborhood of St. Louis, MO, for over 40 years. Continue reading to learn about this organization and its meaningful cause!

Their Mission

Bishop Ronnie Whittier Sr. and his wife, Queen Esther Whittier, founded Emmanuel Temple Church of God in 1982. The church offers a vibrant youth ministry, inspiring worship services, and a strong focus on fellowship with family and friends.

Since the beginning, their mission has been to bring hope to the Northside community blighted with multiple challenges. It can be difficult for many of these residents to access resources. That’s where Emmanuel Temple Church of God has been a motivating force, delivering inspiration within their church and providing the community with much-needed items like clothing, shoes, cleaning supplies, and more.

WIN Warehouse’s Impact

Since becoming a WIN member in 2012, they have gotten many resources that allow them to be available to the community.

“Over the years, our ministry has been privileged to acquire tables and chairs, toiletries, cleaning supplies, shoes, clothing, and various items from WIN Warehouse at a minimal cost, wherein we could assist those turning to us for help,” said Pastor Ron Whittier.

“Many times, we’ve referred to WIN Warehouse as a ministry within itself. The establishment is staffed with courteous people from the front entrance to the dock who care and are always willing to help their partners. They are truly making a difference in the St. Louis community, and we are blessed to have partnered with them,” continued Ron. “May God’s blessings continue to dwell upon WIN Warehouse here in St. Louis, MO, as their services relentlessly assist others in spreading hope throughout our communities.”

Make A Difference With WIN!

WIN Warehouse is grateful for all our partnerships with nonprofit organizations. We look forward to continuing to change the world by providing for our communities.

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