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Calling On Partners For Wins Million Dollar Toy Distribution

Who Can Partner With WIN?

If you are a 501(c)3 organization/church or know of one, please consider a partnership with WIN to bring joy to children who need it the most this holiday season! Qualified organizations who apply will even obtain a free WIN membership if they don’t already have one. Visit for more information.

Current Partners

As of November, WIN has delivered $250,000 worth of toys. Here are a few of our nonprofit partners so far:


The Four Tiers of Partnership

Operation Toy Deploy is continuing until December 18th, but only while supplies last! There are four tiers of partnership and multiple benefits from each:

Bronze Partners

  • $5,000 worth of toys

Silver Partners

  • $13,750 worth of toys
  • Free WIN premium membership upgrade

Gold Partners

  • $30,000 worth of toys
  • Free WIN premium membership upgrade
  • Curated success story blog post

Platinum Partners

  • $70,000 worth of toys
  • Free WIN premium membership upgrade
  • Curated success story blog post
  • Featured as an impact partner in all media alerts
  • Promotion of organization on social media and website
  • Professionally produced video for your organization

Sign Up Today!

Nothing warms the heart quite like bringing a toy and a smile to a child’s face over the holidays. Your organization can be a part of something bigger this year by joining WIN Warehouse and Operation Toy Deploy: Million Dollar Toy Distribution.

Sign up today by visiting, calling us at 314-385-3006, or emailing Thank you in advance and happy holidays!

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